I am sharing this because I liked this story. I wrote it with Miss Hill at my writing group.
Blood story
One extremely hot day I was playing on my MGP scooter outside my house.
Mum said “lunch time”.
I went in and had homemade pizza and started playing games. It got to hot outside and then.
I started playing games.
5 Hours later.
Finally it was nice and cool and now we could play. Bhrt let's do some tricks.
He came he did a 1.80 me to.
I did a 1.80 suddenly I wasn't watching what was around me.
There was a crack in the path in front of me.
I slipped and a rock crashed in my eye and my eye got swollen. Mum heard me screaming I was absolutely filled with pain and I was saying mum mum mum.
Mum came brought me into the house and I was still crying hard core.
Later Mum gave me cream to rub on my eye and I got all better.