Thursday, May 26, 2016


I am sharing this because this task is about the words that I didn't know.


In this reading task I was writing the words that I didn't know and the meaning.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Reading Task Tigers

I am sharing this with you because I did 5 good questions.

I am lerning to ask more and more questions.

Tigers - Term 2, Week 1

We are learning to ask questions about what we read. Start reading “The Really Rotten Pirates” and formulate questions using the question grid.

Success Criteria:
  • Include at least 5 questions
  • Questions will use the question grid or question cards

Extension: See if you can answer your questions that you came up with.

What do they eat? fish 
Where do they sleep?anywhere
Why are they called the rotten pirates? They're not clean
Why do they have to wake up so early ?because they do work
What is the parrot's name ? Biscuit

Blood story

I am sharing this because I liked this story. I wrote it with Miss Hill at my writing group.

Blood story

One extremely hot day I was playing on my MGP scooter outside my house.
Mum said “lunch time”.
I went in and had homemade pizza and started playing games.  It got to hot outside and then.
I started playing games.
5 Hours later.
Finally it was nice and cool and now we could play. Bhrt let's do some tricks.
He came he did a 1.80 me to.
I did a 1.80 suddenly I wasn't watching what was around me.
There was a crack in the path in front of me.
I slipped and a rock crashed in my eye and my eye got swollen. Mum heard me screaming I was absolutely filled with pain and I was saying mum mum mum.
Mum came brought me into the house and I was still crying hard core.
Later Mum gave me cream to rub on my eye and I got all better.