For my literacy I did a narritive about a family going camping and some thing goes wrong.
The Camping Trip
It was Saturday morning and we were getting ready to go on holiday. Sam wasn't getting his stuff ready because he didn't want to go,So his mum was packing his bag up. Last time they went camping they forgot their food and Sam nearly fell in the river. So they got packed up and,Sam's parents forced him to go so he had to go. Later when they arrived in the afternoon we were just sitting down doing nothing.
“Dad said I'm really really hungry so we went hunting for our Kea we found 4 fishes and suddenly out of know were a bear starts chasing them. 30 seconds later they lost the bear and we took the 4 fishes to the camp and then they started to find firewood they found firewood and put it in a pile and got matches and lighted it up and waited until it was warm enough to cook it.
15 Minutes later we took the fish and started cooking it up. Later it was cooked we first got plates and put them down then put our Kea on the plate and then get a fork and a knife and start eating. “Later Dad said tomorrow remember to wake up early because we're going to head back home”. After they got in there camp and everyone said goodnight at the same time and then they slept. They woke up at five am and got everything packed up,They all sprang in the car and we drove home Feeling Lucky.
The End
I Hope You Enjoyed It.